Friday 13 September 2013

HR Specialists Spend 6 Seconds on Your Resume

Do you think HR employees scrutinize your resume? But that isn’t so.

Using the technology of eye tracking, TheLadders recruitment company conducted a simple but interesting study. Placing special devices on the heads of HR specialists for ten weeks they tracked and analyzed where and how long the recruiters looked when they studied a resume.

It turned out, HRs give your resume an average of 6 seconds. What do they manage to find out for this time? First, they look at your name, then the current job and the company, the previous place of employment and education.

The device fixed and tracked the “heat maps” of the HRs’ eye movements. In the picture, there are two resumes. The places, to which HRs paid most attention, are marked red and orange. By the way, as you can see, the resume on the right was inspected more carefully because it is written in a concise and clear manner.